Pro-Line Workbenches Blog

Pro-Line Blog Updated June 2015

[fa icon="calendar'] Jun 15, 2015 2:22:00 PM / by Robert Simmons posted in Insider, Ergonomic Workbenches

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Ergonomic WorkBenches:

People often ask what is an ergonomic workbench and how do I specify the correct warehouse benches, Pro-Line can help.

The first thing you need to determine is what task ( or tasks if multiple)do you plan on performing at the workbench. Once you have determined this you can decide on the base bench and modular accessories you require to meet the task. 

 Decide what type base bench you require? Click on the model part number to learn more.

Then decide what type of modular ergonomic accessories are required.

        * In stock modular workbench accessories.     


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Pro-Line Blog

[fa icon="calendar'] Dec 16, 2014 4:41:00 PM / by Robert Simmons posted in Insider, Ergonomic Workbenches

[fa icon="comment"] 1 Comment

Ergonomic WorkBenches:

People often ask what is an ergonomic workbench and how do I specify the correct warehouse benches, Pro-Line can help.

The first thing you need to determine is what task ( or tasks if multiple)do you plan on performing at the workbench. Once you have determined this you can decide on the base bench and modular accessories you require to meet the task. 

 Decide what type base bench you require? Click on the model part number to learn more.

Then decide what type of modular ergonomic accessories are required.

        * In stock modular accessories.     


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